Adobe Livecycle Designer Support

Like many governments, financial service organizations, or other regulated industries, you’re using Adobe LiveCycle to improve productivity and deliver online self-service to clients and employees. We’ve already given you five great reasons to upgrade from LiveCycle to Experience Manager Forms. The latest release of Experience Manager Forms further improves organizational productivity and customer experiences by helping solve two of the most common challenges associated with complex forms.

Challenge #1: Your clients and employees are online with their mobile devices every day—how are your forms keeping up?

Adobe Livecycle Designer Cost

If you are providing static, non-responsive forms to clients and employees, you are losing clients and the opportunity to use a low-cost channel instead of expensive phone or in-person channels. In a 2014 survey, Pew Research reported that 57% of Americans had used their smartphone to do online banking, while 40% had looked up government services. That number has only increased, and this mobility is also changing how individuals work. IDC predicts almost three quarters of the US workforce will be mobilized by 2020. What’s even more interesting is that most people use multiple devices. In the UK, 60% of online adults use at least two devices every day, and 40% start an activity on one device and finish it on another.

Adobe Livecycle Designer Support

With Adobe LiveCycle Designer, authors can lock down form design templates and restrict access rights only to certain users. In addition, Adobe LiveCycle Designer allows people to design forms that can be used with digital signature technologies to encrypt data and form templates, validate signatures, and facilitate secure electronic transactions.

Experience Manager Forms helps organizations build forms and documents that offer consistent, responsive and dynamic experiences across devices. You can author forms once and ensure they engage smartphone, tablet, and laptop users. You can preview forms to see how they will look on a variety of devices and screen sizes. New integration with Experience Manager Mobile lets you seamlessly embed forms and documents in mobile apps, allowing clients to interact with them anytime and anywhere.

Challenge #2: Launching and managing forms and integrating them into other digital experiences takes too much time and effort.

For many organizations, it takes months and an army to create and launch a new form. A form designer creates the form structure and content. Copywriters and graphic designers ensure the form matches branding and style guidelines. The line of business reviews the design and copy, as does the legal team. IT gets involved connecting form inputs to other systems. The web team integrates the form into websites. Lengthy testing refines the user experience on several devices. Forms may also be sent for translation if necessary.

Adobe Livecycle Designer Support

New features in Experience Manager Forms cut that process down dramatically, enabling you to launch new forms in weeks and update them quickly. Experience Manager Forms comes with several form templates, giving non-technical users a basis for creating a form that is already optimized for a range of devices and screens. Editable style themes allow business users to swap in organizational colors, logos, fonts, and more, without the help of graphic designers. Content fragments ensure forms always use the same, consistent, approved language, making copy reviews smoother. Business users can electronically send forms for review. Reviewers can experience the forms as users do and electronically annotate any changes needed. Experience Manager Forms includes standard connectors to machine-based translation services, helping you reach a broader audience with forms that are localized quickly.


Once you’ve launched your form, it’s easy to ensure it becomes a seamless part of your online service and marketing strategy. Experience Manager Forms is part of a digital experience platform that offers a centralized way to productively manage all digital experiences, including websites, apps, rich media, images, and videos. And as part of the Adobe Marketing Cloud, you can measure interactions via Adobe Analytics, optimize and personalize form and document experiences using Adobe Target, and integrate forms and documents into multi-channel marketing campaigns with Adobe Campaign.

Adobe Livecycle Designer Support Software

Take a look at what’s new in Experience Manager Forms 6.2 to find out how you can get better forms in the hands of clients faster, and reach more clients on more devices.