Toshiba Fn Key Driver

Active1 month ago

I have the Toshiba Satellite P775 and I use Win7 64bit. My router is doing fine, because I go online with my other laptop. Device Manager shows that everything is o.k. I have traced it down to the FN keys because they are not working. Therefore I can't press FN+F8 to turn on WiFi.There is no switch anywhere on this laptop. Hi, My laptop didnt enable the wifi with the fn+f8 key. I even reset the cmos and nothing. Then I went to toshiba drivers website and after installing the 'thku' 'toshiba hotkey utility' the fn+f8 start working and enable/disable the wifi.

I just upgraded from Win 8.1 to Win 10, on my Toshiba L50D-B notebook.

Win 10 System crashed - black screen, locked-up desktop function, no touchpad function etc.

None of the troubleshooting worked, so I had to perform a Factory Reset (option to retain my files).

After reset, the Win 10 was fully functional, except that my very top row of keys (F1...F12, Brighness, Volume, Wifi etc) would not respond.

How do I fix this?

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Scott BaileyScott Bailey

1 Answer

After talking with Toshiba Support, here is the permanent fix:

Go to the Toshiba Windows 10 upgrade page:

1) Choose your country

2) At the top of the page, click on 'Upgrade'

3) Scroll down the page and click on the 'Click here to get information on upgrading your system' link

4) Scroll down this page and find the 'Download Toshiba Drivers for Windows 10', then click the 'Download Drivers' link


5) Enter your Series, Model & Model Code details, then SUBMIT

6) Now you should see a variety of drivers (copy the URL of this page, as you will need to return to complete the last step). The only drivers we should be concerned with are:

  • Toshiba System Driver (32/64bit) - download this driver first, install it...then RESTART your PC.

Toshiba Function Key Driver Windows Xp

Navigate to the same webpage (which lists the drivers)...

  • Toshiba Function Key (32/64bit) - download this driver last, install it...then RESTART your PC.

Toshiba Function Key Driver Download

This was a permanent fix for me.

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Toshiba Function Key Driver Download

suddenly I can't access the internet. When searching I get message'turn on radio button'
I have the Toshiba Satellite P775 and I use Win7 64bit. My router is doing fine, because I go online with my other laptop. Device Manager shows that everything is o.k. I have traced it down to the FN keys because they are not working. Therefore I can't press FN+F8 to turn on WiFi.There is no switch anywhere on this laptop. Have been working trying to resolve without success.
Question: How to enable (turn on) the FN Keys?
Can anybody help? I'm so desperate! Thanks in advance!